Faith thinking
To meditate on God's word means you ponder the Scripture over and over in you mind until it becomes part of you.
Rom12:2, Psa1:1,Pro23:7
Telling yourself the truth...... I am trusting
Faith instead of fear, Satan tries to make us live in fear
Faith-filled attitude
Truth thinking
Learn to think as He thinks
Knowing who you are
Life is a journey
Knowing by Experience
Make a Decision to Enjoy life
Learn to enjoy each step of the journey
Living life on purpose
We only get one life, and we should make it count
Make each day count
Waiting with expectation,
Expectancy fill us with hope
Wait on God
God's perfect timing
Overcoming the impossible
never stop trying
God's plan for us
loved unconditionlly
Endless love
Live loved
Not live in fear
Moving past pain
Totally forgive
Be healed
Self-acceptance, your true self
Keep in mind that God knows everything about you...... and He loves you
You are loved
I am protected
Tust God ccompletely at all times
Relying completely on Him every step of the way
God will not call you to do anything that He will not enable and empower you to do.
Live in the present enjoy each moment
Walking with God
Follow Him
Pleasing God
Spending time alone with Him
Seeking God
Holy moments in the presence of God
With a clean heart
Did not let any sin disrupt you intimacy with God
Self-discipline and obedience
Discipline, walking out God's perfect plan
Discipline yourself to make changes, spend time with God frist
Discipline and self-control, by holy spirit,
With his help, renewed thinking is possible
Begin again, let Him help you
Holy Spirit's work today
With God's word, continue to meditate, pray aloud > mindsets
Keep your eyes on God, closeness with your heavenly Father
Looking unto Jesus
Hold on His hand
To stand firm in faith and hold on just a minute longer
Joy and Peace are found in Believing
Grace and Peace lead to joy
Joy, the fruit of the holy spirit
The joy of being rooted and built up in Christ
Rejoice in the Lord
The Joy of being in God's will
Patience and joy
Finding joy in the midst of suffering
Finf the good in everything
In a difficult situation, He is always with you
Finding answers in God's presence
Enjoy where you are today
Living in the now
Meeting God at every corner
Focus on what you do instead of allowing your mind to worry
Worry is a waste
Learning to live inside out
Take the step, got out of the boat and walk on the water
Choose thoughts that lead to joy
Nothing has vlalue apart from Christ
Lay it all on the altar
Living by faith increases joy
Delighting in faith
Joy comes from relationship
Deep rooted in God's love
Simplicity, Childlikeness
Rest in Him, He will work
The beauty of Faith